María Gabriela Sosa
Maria G. Sosa is public policy consultant and an international lawyer with more than 18 years of experience in legal assessment, designing regulatory reforms and legal drafting in areas of trade facilitation, transparency, Customs and taxes. She has lead the reform and modernization of many national and regional laws and institutions.
Maria has been the team leader in numerous consulting works in several regions of the world. As consultant and leader of many teams of consultants she has successfully achieved that legal reform drafts become formal laws at national and at regional levels. At the institutional level, she has helped agencies to reorganize themselves to become more efficient and transparent entities. Maria has vast experience in organizing workshops and training for government offices and private sector stakeholders.
Some of her significant works have been:
- Helping Central American countries to implement the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement by reforming their Customs and trade legislation.
- Helping Lao PDR to implement the WTO requirements on advance rulings, on rules of origin, valuation, classification and other areas by providing them with the necessary legislation, manuals of operation and the creation of a special division within the Customs agency.
- Developing a code of ethics for Customs Agencies that was later implemented in many countries such as Paraguay, Honduras, Grenada, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Dominica and Panama, where it is still a law. This code was the first in its kind by including the private sector and the organized civil society in the control of corruption.
- Preparing Central American countries for the implementation of CAFTA by proposing the necessary reforms of their national and regional Customs and trade legislation.
Maria is also Director of an investment fund devoted to investing in early stage start-up business where she plays an active role in the pursuit of business opportunities. In her role of business advisor Maria has assisted international business to invest and to find equity partners in the US. She has been director of NGOs, such the Overlook Foundation. Maria has advised investors in tax planning for years as part of her practice. She was a tax lawyer in an international law firm before founding BG Consulting.
Maria holds a Master degree from Harvard University Law School.
She likes to paint creatively as a hobby.